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COVID-19 in Romania


COVID-19 is affecting Romania's economy and social life, as well as legal institutions. Currently, Romanians are facing curfews, suspensions of rights, as well as closures of institutions. It is therefore very important for you to protect your rights and interests in Romania with the help of a local attorney.

We can offer:
- urgent legal documents from Romania;

- emergency claims in Romanian courts (protective suits of action);

- notary work in Romania;

- situational updates and reports on Romanian law in times of emergency;

- action plans to protect your interests;

- and much more...

Romanian Estates


Collecting an estate from Romania is a very bureaucratic and complex process. With the experience of two cross-border Royal Estates, as well many other complex international probate work, Dr Ioan-Luca Vlad can ensure that whatever is located in Romania that is owed to you is delivered.


We can offer:

- undertaking estate procedures (probate) in Romania, both at the notary and in court;

- taking protective measures to secure key assets and locations;

- dealing with estate paperwork (proofs of ownership, burial plot registrations, updating vital records, transfer of inherited assets etc.);

- estate tax mitigation and assessment;

- and much more, for a one-stop-shop experience...


Expertise in local Law


Dr Ioan-Luca Vlad has a long-established experience in providing expertise in Romanian law for foreign courts and public authorities.

Among the most requested areas are:

- Romanian family law and child protection measures;

- historical aspects of Romanian law;

- Romanian inheritance law;

- Romanian marriage law, including certificates of custom attesting the right to marry.


We can also provide actionable analysis on specialist areas of the law from a cross-border perspective (e.g. Canon Law, Space Law etc.).

Wills & Trusts


With several years' experience as Protector of trusts, as well as in dealing with trust-related legal matters, Dr Vlad is in a unique position in Romania to advise on how a trust structure can work with Romanian assets and interests.

Dr Vlad can also provide drafting services for your cross-border Will, including valid wording according to EU Regulation 650/2012 on inheritance matters, and relevant bilateral and multilateral conventions.


With our services:

- you have a Will that will be valid wherever your assets are located;

- you have the reassurance that your trust structure can function in Romania;

- you can appoint Dr Vlad as your executor for Romania, and ensure that your last wishes will be respected;

- most importantly, you will have peace of mind!

Specialist Legal Areas


Unusual law has always been a passion for Dr Vlad. He has been privileged to get practical experience with many of these peculiar, but no less relevant, areas of the law. These legal topics are treated with outmost priority, as they reflect the attorney's private interests and focus. Advice on these matters can be provided from a cross-border, international perspective, as well as with a local focus.


What we love to work on:


- Law of hereditary privilege;

- Canon law;

- Individual complaints procedures at UN Human Rights Bodies;

- Heraldic law;

- Questions of protocol and precedence.

Vital Records


We have a dedicated website for Romanian Vital Records and other Romanian legal documents that we can obtain, long-established at

We can also provide vital records from over 90 jurisdictions through our contacts and research, including the relevant Apostille and Embassy Legalisation procedures, so that you can use the document where you need it.


Our "unrecognized states" expertise means we can also deal with vital records from these "state-like" entities, and obtain recognition for your rights directly, or with appropriate corresponding documentation from a recognized state.


Click below to find the complete list of states and services!



© 2020 by Ioan-Luca Vlad Law Office. 21 Octavian Goga Blvd., Apt. 10, 030981 Bucharest, Romania.

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